Dear Brothers in Christ,
I encourage counsels to use our 2017 Resolutions from the State Convention as an inspirational and programmatic resource. I have begun to post a few of resolutions on my own personal blog: .
A note to make about our state council Resolution #4, which is in Support for Culture of and Respect for Life. Discussion around this resolution brought forward the possibility that some Catholics are unaware of how the misleading term "Death with Dignity" has become a euphemism for Physician Assisted Suicide in our anti-Christian culture. Furthermore, those who are not well informed about this issue, or about Christian ethics, might wrongly argue from our resolution as it is currently worded, that when we condemn the use of this euphemism, we somehow wish that people would lose their dignity at their time of death. It is not so! Let good Catholics be well informed, and clearly show that there is no dignity in any kind of suicide, and it is shameful that "Death with Dignity" has been adopted as the misleading catchword for this lamentable movement in our state and country.
Some of this information can be added to our culture of life resolution next year to strengthen its statements in support of human life, from conception ton natural death.
Let us continue on with every energetic effort to build a culture of life.
God bless, State Chaplain, Fr. Tim Naples
VT Resolution # 4
Supreme Court of the United States did sanction abortion on demand throughout
this nation; and
WHEREAS, our Holy Mother Church throughout the world has
unequivocally condemned this practice as sinful, and a most grievous affront to
Almighty God,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Vermont State Council, Knights of Columbus
urge all Councils and members within the jurisdiction of Vermont to support
financially and physically the Pro-Life Movement; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that all councils join as a group, to express their
solidarity with our Bishop, Priests and members of our communities who are
supporters of the respect for life, from the moment of conception until natural
death; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that all brother Knights and their families whenever
possible, withdraw any support for any health care provider, whether an
establishment, doctor, nurse or health care professional that has publicly
endorsed any form of “Death with Dignity”; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this convention of the Knights of Columbus urges
the legitimate authority in capital cases to explore all non-lethal means to
defend and protect the people from the aggressor, before seeking recourse to
execution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the President
of the United States, our Governor, our two U.S. Senators, our Congressman, and
the Vermont Right to Life Committee.
VT Resolution # 5
WHEREAS, the Vermont State
Council, Knights of Columbus shares the concern of sexual permissiveness in our
society, as expressed by our Bishops; and
WHEREAS, traditional values of love, marriage, and family life
are being attacked, deliberately, viciously, and unrelentingly in the name of
sexual freedom, which ultimately enslaves its victims in a life that endangers
the general population with violence towards women, physical disease, and
mental illness; and
WHEREAS, the current emphasis of sex education in schools today
promotes sexual freedom and experimentation if it is deemed medically safe,
rather than promote moral values and chastity; and
WHEREAS, this liberal sexual education leads to more teenage
sex, teenage pregnancy, and teenage abortion;
RESOLVED, that the Vermont State
Council express its disapproval of any sex education in our schools that
encourages heterosexual or homosexual activity; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Vermont State Council, in its 119th
Convention, urges the Supreme Council to include in the Crusade for Life
Campaign, its opposition to sex education in our schools which promotes and
encourages sexual promiscuity; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Chairperson
of the Vermont State Board of Education.
VT Resolution # 6
BE IT RESOLVED, that we never waver in our efforts to promote the
church’s understanding of marriage as the faithful, exclusive and lifelong
union of one man and one woman joined in an intimate partnership of life and
love; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that we pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten
elected officials to adopt laws and judges to make judicial decisions that
affirm the family and the authentic nature of marriage; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that we join with the bishops and priests of the
United States, Canada and throughout the world in their efforts to achieve
legal and constitutional protection at the federal and state levels for the
traditional definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman to the
exclusion of all others.